Investing while Working Full-Time

The Accrual World
3 min readJan 23, 2021

This week was brutal in terms of work load from my job. I was handed my very first job assignment (finally after 4 months in!) and had to manage both the client and upper management’s expectations to have things delivered within 5 days. It was not until yesterday on my third day of running on few hours of sleep and relying on coffee for fuel that I realise how most people don’t think it is possible to have passive income while working at a full-time job or being a full-time stay-at-home mother.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually enjoy doing my job. Also to put it our there that not all work assignments have such tight deadline. In fact, I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to handle an assignment on my own, but at the same time I do miss my not-so-hectic work days with the time dedicated for exercising, reading, baking, spending time with loved ones and checking the stock market while it is open to trade.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

The reality with investing in the sharemarket is that you don’t really have to sit in front of the computer all day from 10 to 4 (or whenever the market opens for you). In fact, most of the time is actually devoted to research or understanding the business, which can be done at your own free time. Regardless if you plan to trade or invest, you still need to spend time analysing information. I personally find having these three items helpful while investing and working full time.

  1. Have A Specific Watchlist
    There are thousands of shares in the stock market and a watchlist can help you stay abreast of the specific company news that interest you. Having such list helps you stay on track and even serves as a comparison tool with similar companies listed on the stock exchange. Usually when I have a stock in mind, I will add in comparable companies in the same sector just to have a gauge of the market movements or directions, and for valuation purposes.
  2. Set Price Limit
    My personal preference while purchasing or selling shares in the stock market is to set limit prices. What this means is that I won’t risk paying any more than what I wish to pay for, and not receiving any less that I am willing to sell. Of course with this in place, there is always a risk that your shares might only be partially bought or sold, or it might take a long time to have your order being fulfilled. That is why technology comes to place in the next point.
  3. Use Technology
    Being able to selectively turn on or off push notifications has to be one of the useful tech improvisations. Push notifications can help only if you use them correctly. Nearly every app out there (including banks and brokers app) has this built-in function, and as an investor you can use this to your advantage by setting alerts when a stock hits your desired price, released market sensitive news or other technical analysis.

There are plenty of resources out there to help only if you are willing to learn. The old saying that the teacher will appear when the student is ready, could not be more true today.



The Accrual World

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